Carolina Fun Machines! Motopsyco’s September Website of the Month!

Carolina Fun Machines

Carolina Fun Machines is located at 12995 East Independence Boulevard. Matthews N.C.

Yes I know they are mainly a scooter dealer. Even so all of you hairy chested macho badass guys & gals who only care about “real” motorcycles need to check these folks out after all in addition to the top quality scooters they also carry Cleveland Cyclwerks, Hyosung, and Sym motorcycles. Plus scooters are cool again, sure a lot of them are still 50cc post DUI transport, but there are available in larger fullsize and full speed models but in today’s world scooters are once again in style. And Carolina Fun Machines is the best scooter dealership I have ever had the pleasure of visiting. They are not some fly by night scooter dealer at the flea market, not a used car lot, with a batch of cheap shit scooters to sell for a quick buck but an actual functioning dealership that carries reasonably priced products of better quality. Plus the story of this stores founding is worth reading even if you have no other interest in their products, go check out the “about page” right now. Now click here to see the service department!

Here’s a shot of the store front for you.

at Carolina Fun Machines in Matthews N.C.

Hey Look its a Misfit, some cool scoots, and a go kart!

For you crotch rocket jockeys, how about a Hyosung GT-R? You can get it in a 250 or a 650!!

GT250R    GT650R

Hyosung GT R sitting in the showroom.

Meet the Syms!

Sym Wolf Classic, & Symba

The 110cc Symba and the Cafe Styled 150cc Wolf Classic

To check out the Wolf click here.

For the Symba…

And from the mighty company known as Cleveland Cyclewerks the meanest 250 chopper in all the world, Tha Heist

THe 250 chopper

Are you ready for some serious posing?

Don’t forget Tha Misfit!

Let me add one more picture of a Hyosung Motorcycle. Cruisers are available up to 700cc

Hyosung V Twin Cruiser

Hyosung V Twin Cruiser

There you have it folks they are a scooter dealer and so much more. I want to extend my thanks and gratitude to Tim and his staff for their help during my visit and for allowing me to drive the Misfit that I rode for my review last month. Please go visit the Carolina Fun Machines website or even better visit the store in person. Trust me if you live anywhere in North or South Carolina and are even remotely thinking of buying a moped, scooter of any size, or a small to midsize motorcycle, you owe it to yourself to check them out.

Peace Y’all