The November Website of the Month

This is one of the largest, craziest, motorcycling communities on the internet. I have actually joined this forum even though so far I have only made one post. But when I am researching a motorcycle, accessory, or gear is my “go to first” resource. It’s all in there sometimes you may have to dig through layers of bullshit but the information I needed was always there. Beside a lot of the BS is amusing or interesting. The Shinko 705 tires on my scrambler were purchased based on reviews there. After consultation with another inmate I just ordered a Joe Rocket one piece suit to try.

Let me go ahead & clear one thing up. I am not an adventure rider (anymore & yet) but I do pose like one at the local coffee shop. I’m just another guy who loves motorcycles but puts in most of his mileage commuting with the occasional 50-100 mile weekend ride. I used to ride more & someday hope to do so again.

One thing you need to do right now is just open up the home page and just sit there and watch the slide show of fantastic pictures that play on the screen. Since I am running multiple monitors I often just open the home page & let the slide show play. They do rotate in new pictures on a regular basis so check it often.

If you are a thin skinned politically correct wuss, you probably want to stay away from this site. This forum does not have members it has inmates. Down in the basement there a many things that are both disturbing and fun. You will find things that will offend you no matter who you are, so if you are not man or woman enough to suck it up & get over it, stay the hell out of this asylum.

As I said at the beginning this website there is more real motorcycle & gear related information at than I have found anywhere else on the internet, but I must admit, being the garage rat that I am, that my favorite sub-forum is the “Some Assembly Required” section.

Just be careful, you can get sucked into this place, and next thing you know the sun is coming up and you haven’t been to bed yet. Some threads have had me laughing so hard that my wife was wondering what was wrong with me. If you are just browsing the site out of curiosity or to see what is new I recommend using a tablet or laptop so that when the battery goes dead you know it is time to take a break.

Peace Y’all
