Why I love bicycles so much now!

Yes this is mainly but not exclusively a motorcycle related blog some of you may wonder why I seem so enamored with bicycles. The contents of  this post were originally written as a reply to the thread “What triggered your bicycle revival” over at Rat Rod Bikes. After re-reading it I decided to share it with you.

I was a really small little geeky nerdy kid. As a child I learned to ride a bike and rode around a lot, didn’t think much of it. I had go-karts & mini-bikes to play on. The bicycle wound up just being around the neighborhood transport. I was too small, too slow, and perhaps too lazy to really care about even trying to race anybody or jump anything so even though I grew up through the infancy of BMX & mountain biking I honestly did not care. Being a twerpy deaf guy with thick glasses athletic endeavors were something I strenuously avoided.  At the age of 12 I got my first motorcycle, and my last bicycle. Both were green, a Kawasaki KD100 and a 26″ Western Flyer cruiser. Once I mastered the operation of the motorcycle the bicycle never moved unless I was either out of gas, or prohibited from riding the Kawi for some reason. At 15 I got a license and a junkyard Mustang. The bicycle was never seen again, and was probably abandoned in the garage when we moved. Many years, cars, motorcycles, jobs, & a family later it finally happened, I had that gnarly bone grinding crash that every motorcyclist dreads. My left knee was repaired by a partial knee replacement and I spent some time in a wheelchair until the broken ribs I also incurred healed enough to walk on crutches. When the leg healed enough for me to begin walking on it again it was a flabby atrophied shadow of its former self. I had a really bad limp and would occasionally fall flat on my face just because it was not strong enough to hold me up. In order to build up strength in it I purchased and began using an exercise bike, but riding and not going anywhere got b-o-r-i-n-g. At the flea market I grabbed an old $20 mountain bike, and took up light trail riding.

But I really liked styling and profiling on a mean looking ride so when a friend of mine gave me this even though it actually rode great I instantly jumped on the internet looking for ideas to customize besides the “Lowrider” style and that is when I found this site and this community

Vintage Huffy bike

The start of my custom bicycle fetish!

Today I have a great hobby, have met and befriended many interesting people, built an interesting collection of bicycles, and plan to continue indefinitely. Oh yeah as I nice bonus I no longer walk with a cane, rarely fall down any more. 😯  Plus my wife loves trail riding with me and doesn’t mind going to the bike show either. Wins all around as far as I am concerned.

Peace Y’all

amtique Murray bicycle

Yes this is my home office/studio.

<custom Western Flyer with truss rods>

One of my favorite customs that I have done.

20" Ross Polo Bike Jr

My show winning 20″ Ross custom.

Another Junkyard Dog from the Bicycling World!

Hey I had a bike just like this as a kid, well almost.. mine was a Murray and didn’t have the awesome rat trap springer fork, or the motorcycle muffler chainguard but at least it had the same frame. 😉

a seriously vintage bmx bike! a Free Spirit MX-1

I am planning to restore this one one day but for now it will continue to reside in a place of honor hanging from the rafters of my shop. Thanks to my buddy Kevin for keeping this unusual vintage bicycle out of the shredder for future generations to enjoy.

Peace Y’all