Harbor Freight Motorcycle Lift Table Update

As longtime readers will remember last August I purchased and reviewed the motorcycle lift table sold by Harbor Freight Tools.  Several months later I am still happy with my purchase. But since 90% of the time I just use my table for general maintenance and cleaning (plus I removed the centerstand from my motorcycle), I decided to modify it slightly by adding a different wheel chock and placing 2 eye bolts closer to the front tire end of the table to use as tie downs. Here are some pics for you.

Harbor Freight motorcycle table mod

from front end

side view Harbor Freight Motorcycle lif table modification

side view Harbor Freight Motorcycle lif table modification


This was mainly done for conveince as I can just roll a motorcycle right up into the chock and strap it in for minor work. It is ironic however that for my first serious job (a GL1200 Gold Wing) right after installing  this I may have to remove it so that I am  able to work on the front forks & brakes.

Peace Y’all