The Heretic

This has been in the back of my head for a while and I’ve wanted to share it with the world but I’ve been a little afraid to, afraid of what some of my friends and fellow motorcyclists might think. What I’m about to confess to you may seem wrong but I can’t help myself. It’s time for me to go public with my point of view, damn those who might think less of me, I know I’m not the only motorcyclist who feels this way.

The Motorcycle Gospel of the Highway 1:29, states “Though must enjoy hustling thy motorcycle at maximum velocity down the gnarliest, curviest, most challenging mountain roads you can find.” To which I, Floyd The Heretic must reply, “fuck that shit.” Seriously it’s just not that much fun for me. Yes I’ve done it a few times but the thrill is gone after 1 or 2 trips down a road with no scenery except for road signs warning me about the next hairpin turn or switchback ahead of me. Doing this over and over is boring. B-O-R-I-N-G.

sign 11 turns 318 miles

I am The Heretic a sign like this is just fine with me.

Give me a nice Saturday morning with my wife on the back traveling down a nice country road full of idyllic scenery, through some small towns, historic districts etc. Maybe plan a stop at a restaurant or a bike show between 50 and 200 miles away. You know a good relaxing ride where you occasionally go slow enough to smell the roses, rotting roadkill animal corpses and the food at the diner on the corner in that little town that you’ve never been to before.

Even though I don’t want a road with endless curves to give me a total body workout a few nice sweeping curves are welcome. So is mile after mile of arrow straight 2 lane blacktop through forests, fields and villages. On a hot summer day in the south nothing beats coming across a long tunnel of trees throwing shade over a narrow blacktop road gently winding its way through the swamps of the Pee Dee & Low Country here in South Carolina. It’s like a little piece of heaven on 2 wheels. Another ride I really enjoyed last year was touring the Gettysburg National Park and surrounding countryside on my Honda Shadow. Great winding roads and lots to see along them.

As a frequent motorcycle commuter my rides to and from work are enough to get my heart rate up and scare the shit out of me sometimes so when I set out to do some recreational riding it should be relaxing. If I want to be tired, sore and drenched in sweat after riding a motorcycle I’ll ride a dirtbike or go do a track day somewhere. (Both of these are things I enjoy doing sometimes.)

There I’ve said it, now I hope someone out there understands how I feel. I’m not a Sunday morning squid out to prove myself against the mountain. Nor am I a barhopping biker riding with my friends from tavern to tavern. I’m just an ordinary everyday motorcyclist who rides because I love it and ordinary everyday riding is my favorite thing to do. If that seems like a heresy to anyone then I’m proud to be the heretic.